Wednesday 4 January 2012

Back to reality (what am I doing?)

That was a worthwhile vacation. I don't get to see all of my friends as planned but at least I get to see them again tomorrow.

I took seven subjects (17 units) this term. I guess this is going to be a very hectic one. I only need 11 more units to be immortal and I need to pass Data Structures to be able to start with thesis. I don't think I'll be able have time for things that I've been doing in the past. Sadness.

I have deactivated my Facebook account. I don't know when will I put it back again. What am I doing? Facebook has been so useful to me since I can talk to people there easily but at the same time, it's very distracting. Plus, my family members try to snoop around and see my angsty posts. I dunno how they could see them even if I blocked most of them from seeing my posts. Dammit.  

I also blocked social networking on weekdays (or on times I have to study for exams). 

Lastly, I need to find a way to be able to balance my search for knowledge and creative process. I need to split time between studying and be able to press on with my writing/drawing.

That's all. Friends: see you all tomorrow! x

1 comment:

  1. Raph, what is your ym? XD so that I can keep in touch with you. How are we going to work on with the LEAP pre-acts? :3
