Monday 26 March 2012


Okay, this is weird. I've never had these sorts of feelings for you when we were classmates back in high school. All I can say is that we were just like bros sitting next to each other, giggling and ranting about how we hate a lot of things like Math, a retarded classmate and the school prefect. You introduced me to these awesome punk bands such as Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. We would also talk about skating, video games, music and tons of other shit that we both like.

When we graduated, I started to miss a lot of people. It was you who I missed the most and I don't know why. We never hung out together outside of school. Maybe it was because I totally understood why you have a bad attitude and maybe it's because I have a thing for bad boys. Maybe it was because I empathized you deeply. Like how you answered back against teachers and made a fucking mess out of your Math textbook.

I remember when I wanted to be like you before. You were so fucking cool. You were an asshole (not a douche). After high school, we kinda kept in touch via Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. It makes me smile when you reblog some of my reblogs or when we just talk together on the social network. Shallow, yes, but I just couldn't help but to be happy.  

It has been three years since I saw you today. You've grown taller than me and you look so fucking badass with all the tattoos and shit. It was so fucking random. I miss you, man.

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