Thursday 12 July 2012


Okay, here's my problem about being attached to people: I tend to be clingy if I like the person.

 I dunno....I also don't want people to be too clingy, especially if I don't like them. I just wish people won't be angry at what I'm doing I's not like I'm in love with them or something. It's just fun to be with certain people for a while but I think that sometimes, we need to give them some space.

I'm writing this out of fear that things won't go awkward between me and my friends, especially my newly acquainted one.


  1. I don't think this is a problem. It's good you feel attached to your friends. You care about them and you value them. You want to spend as much time as possible with them because they bring colour to your life.

    You feel clingy because society has taught people that being "clingy" is bad. It isn't and you shouldn't downgrade your beautiful feelings of friendship.


    1. Arigato, soshite, arigato, Angie-kun. I think I was just overthinking when I wrote this. I'll take that as a golden nugget of wisdom. >:D<
