Friday 6 July 2012

The Legendary Glen Miller Orchestra

Okay, let me just say that this was a great show. It felt like you were in some 40's film where you waltzed around town in your zoot while driving a fancy car on your way to a cabaret show. The orchestra played music that was composed during the World War II. 

This happened last Monday. I know this is a late post but better late than never. I went to this concert with my friends Pau, Nicol, John (and his dad) and Fons. Pau got us some sponsored tickets from a friend so we got to watch it for free. Before I begin, I should share some things that happened other than the show itself: the audience was full of old people and we were only among the few young ones around here. It was a funny experience and we were quite flattered when the old people were surprised that we appreciate their music. Another is that I sat beside John's dad and he told me about the songs being played. He's an awesome dad.

The show started with Mr. Arthur Manintang, who was said to be the country's best crooner. He was damn good and the audience loved him because he sang so well up to the point where he mentioned that he was not feeling well. I was amazed on how he poured his heart out even though he was sick and the best part was he did an impression of his legendary singing heroes such as Leonard Cohen, Nat King Cole, Ray Charles, Michael Bolton and others while singing "What a Wonderful World".

Next, the show itself was amazing. There were parts where there were vocalists that were singing with the music. I have to love Wendy Brunet (I don't know if that is the correct spelling) but she has a wonderful voice. I also love the Swing Kittens posing as the Andrew's Sisters. They were so adorable. They were actually one of the reasons why I went to this concert because I started admiring them through Christina Aguilera's "Candyman" video. I forgot the name of the male vocalist but he was also damn good.

Watching this show has been very insightful for me because it's music that might be forgotten in later decades but I'm sure that a few people in our generation would still appreciate this kind of music. It also helped me expand my musical tastes, which is important for me. And lastly, it was a not-so-perfect time to forget about homework. I really had a good time and I hope there would be more of this to perform live here.

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