Monday, 26 March 2012


Okay, this is weird. I've never had these sorts of feelings for you when we were classmates back in high school. All I can say is that we were just like bros sitting next to each other, giggling and ranting about how we hate a lot of things like Math, a retarded classmate and the school prefect. You introduced me to these awesome punk bands such as Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. We would also talk about skating, video games, music and tons of other shit that we both like.

When we graduated, I started to miss a lot of people. It was you who I missed the most and I don't know why. We never hung out together outside of school. Maybe it was because I totally understood why you have a bad attitude and maybe it's because I have a thing for bad boys. Maybe it was because I empathized you deeply. Like how you answered back against teachers and made a fucking mess out of your Math textbook.

I remember when I wanted to be like you before. You were so fucking cool. You were an asshole (not a douche). After high school, we kinda kept in touch via Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. It makes me smile when you reblog some of my reblogs or when we just talk together on the social network. Shallow, yes, but I just couldn't help but to be happy.  

It has been three years since I saw you today. You've grown taller than me and you look so fucking badass with all the tattoos and shit. It was so fucking random. I miss you, man.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

I ask each and everyone of you....

to reprimand me for each and every mistake I make without any form of assumption. I need to change my attitude now that the school year is ending. I need to stop being lousy and change for the better. It might not be effective but at least it might help even a little bit. Thanks.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

I am the laziest officer ever. I deserve to be yelled at.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Lately, we're having the Kony 2012 craze around Facebook and other social networking sites. I am very much awed by how the internet can be such a powerful tool to spark an initiative and awareness among people. That viral video spread like wildfire. I think the internet is some sort of god that can destroy a whole nation with a single click of a mouse. Amazing.

I'm just surprised by how many people really do care for these issues but I kind of feel skeptical about it. Remember when we all changed our DPs in Facebook into cartoons to protest against child abuse? When my classmates presented it in class and laughed as if they were mocking it, that ignited my doubts on the whole concept of the term. I'm not sure if these people are willing to do generous acts in the present and in the future. I would totally understand that because not everyone would have the luxury of time to volunteer. It's sad that I too am guilty of such things.

We do it so we can show the world that we care.

Lately, I am annoyed by how many pictures of sickly and beaten up people or animals are spread around Facebook or Tumblr. The latter was worse because it showed a mixture of "sweet talk" and sarcasm. For example, I saw a post that said something like "Stop complaining about things in life, this kid had nothing to eat nor drink. REBLOG IF YOU CARE."

Another thing that made me doubt this is that there are conflicts between people who are supportive and those who are not. For example, the Invisible Children video scattered across cyberspace while others dismiss the latter as some sort of scam. I think people, including me, might be gullible enough or not to believe it. It's the I-have-to-share-this-to-make-sure-this-is-legit-or-not dillemma.

Maybe I'll just sit back and watch how these thing goes. I've always wanted to do volunteer work when I have time.

What are your thoughts about this phenomenon? Do you think it would influence a lot of people to commit to change or it's just another instance of bandwagoning?

Heads up

I'm going to post some stuff I'm concerned about today.

Dear all

I can't think of anything to write so I resort to micro/tumblogging instead. I also keep on forgetting the usefulness of drafts to keep your temporary writings at bay. School stuff and laziness is also in my way.

I hope I could post something soon. I might clean up/revamp my site soon.

Laters. x

Monday, 5 March 2012